
Eclipse Phase, Second Edition RPG

Created by Posthuman Studios

Eclipse Phase, Second Edition (EP2), is a full-color, hardcover tabletop RPG book. It contains the full rules for making and playing Eclipse Phase characters, four sample teams of four characters each, and detailed setting information—a complete roleplaying game in one book!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

EP2 Shipping Update: Nov 15th!
about 5 years ago – Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 12:20:01 AM

Hey everyone!

Eclipse Phase Second Edition has arrived in Duluth, Minnesota, home of the legendary Atlas Games. They're helping us fulfill the Kickstarter, and the process of printing mailing labels and boxing hundreds of books has started.

a snippet of the Atlas Warehouse. Mmmm, pallets!

Books destined for the United States will start moving on Monday, starting with single-book backers and ramping up to the more complex orders with add-ons. Some of you may already have seen tracking numbers arrive in your email — these are generated when the labels are printed and not when the package actually hits the road. 

International books will be forwarded to different international locations before being sent to backers.

We'll keep you in the loop with a shipping update on next Friday, November 22nd.

If you have a pending customer service request - either by email or Kickstarter message -- they will be dealt with in the coming week. If you have a NEW customer service request, please use [email protected]

Thanks for your support — we're excited for over a thousand copies of EP2 to land in your hands soon! :D

EP2 November Update!
about 5 years ago – Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 11:46:12 PM

A fast update to catch you up on Posthuman Studios, there's a lot going on behind the scenes.

Eclipse Phase Second Edition is at the printers, still. Although we took extra time to integrate corrections, equal to the 1.1.1 errata, the printer has ended up taking a fair bit longer than we anticipated, and that threw our previous shipping estimates off. We now expect all the books to be finished by early next week and then they'll ship to our fulfillment center(s), and from there to backers and pre-orderers. 

— Please check your BackerKit account and verify that your shipping address is correct. BackerKit will lock down addresses within 24 hours from this post. 

- We'll post an update by Friday, November 15th with news on shipping!

- If you didn't get an updated EP2 PDF and you backed at a level that gets it, it's in your DriveThruRPG library!

- The first three Nano Ops (Grinder, Better on the Inside, Body Count) are all available in print format now.

- We've launched, a mini-site for people new to the game and setting.

- Our ongoing projects right now:

  • the Plot Hooks booklet; in dev-edits/layout.
  • the second round of Nano Ops; in dev-edits/layout.
  • the EP2 Hack Pack; in graphic production (so much metadata updating!)
  • The EP2 wiki

- On deck after that are revisions to the Quick-Start Rules with Acrimony, and the introductory adventures Overrun and Xenovore.

- We're also working on inventory for our first online pop-up store: each pop-up store will have Eclipse Phase and Posthuman Studios merchandise, an item we've curated from a Featured Creator, and more!

Thanks for your support — please use [email protected] for customer service-related issues!

BackerKit Dates Changed: Lock Date — Sept 4 / Card Charge Dates — Sept 6
over 5 years ago – Wed, Sep 04, 2019 at 02:30:50 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

30 Hours left to order EP2 in Print!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Sep 04, 2019 at 02:30:46 AM


Let's not mince words: You can pre-order Eclipse Phase Second Edition on BackerKit for the next 30 hours

The PDF is also available on DriveThruRPG for only $19.99.

We have an extensive What's New in EP2? article and 59-page preview if you want to check out a little of every chapter!


Please check out our mini-FAQ about shipping and timeframes and if that doesn't answer your questions get ahold of us at [email protected] 

but why no PUPLIFT?!? (we're on Instagram sometimes ft. Pacey)

Thanks for your support!

BackerKit & Pre-Orders & Addons • New Nano Op • Customer Service & Post Gen Con FAQ
over 5 years ago – Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 10:07:36 PM

Let's talk: BackerKit & Pre-Orders & Addons, New Nano Op, Customer Service & Post Gen Con FAQ

Backerkit Open Now, Closes August 30th, Cards Charged Sept 2nd.

BackerKit is open now and will be open until Friday, August 30th for adjustments to your Kickstarter pledges, add-ons, shipping, etc.

Please finish your BackerKit survey if you haven't already, and grab add-ons at the sale price because those prices aren't gonna stick around much longer!

If you have added additional items in BackerKit or need to pay for shipping, your credit card will be billed on Monday, September 2nd.

New Nano Op & Downloads: Catch Them All

The second Nano Op in the first wave (but the third one released because publishing is like that sometimes!) is now available for free to all EP2 Kickstarter backers: Nano Op: Better on the Inside. It's a Gatecrashing romp!

Better on the Inside joins Grinder (firewall) and Body Count (criminal ops) as the first three Nano Ops. Now that EP2 is out, let us know what you think of them as we work on the next cycle!

And if you missed them before, grab Infamy, the EP2 Character Pack, and the EP2 Rules Primer for free!

Customer Service & Post Gen Con FAQ

Please consult the Post Gen Con FAQ for information on shipping dates, future release dates, etc. This will be a living document until Kickstarter print fulfillment wraps up.

Please use email to [email protected] for customer service stuff: if you're missing a download, have a BackerKit-related question, etc.

If you have feedback on rules, content, etc. please address it to [email protected]

Thanks for your support!

Initial response to EP2 has been great, and it's real fulfilling to see people digging so deeply into it and playing already! Please share your actual play stories on social media and tag us — and let your friends know that the BackerKit Pre Order Store is open until the 30th!