
Eclipse Phase, Second Edition RPG

Created by Posthuman Studios

Eclipse Phase, Second Edition (EP2), is a full-color, hardcover tabletop RPG book. It contains the full rules for making and playing Eclipse Phase characters, four sample teams of four characters each, and detailed setting information—a complete roleplaying game in one book!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

May 5th update: International Shipping, Ambient Music Soundtrack, Open Playtest
over 7 years ago – Tue, May 09, 2017 at 02:09:54 PM

Hello everyone!

The last few days have been awesome in terms of Kickstarter support, and we've been hard at work getting work done both logistics-wise for the Kickstarter and on Eclipse Phase, Second Edition.

A little bit of basic housekeeping: the Your Whispering Muse was unlocked when we reached $100,000, and we are a few thousand dollars away from unlocking the next Freelancer Bonus—sweeeet! We are also now over 1,500 backers strong, thank you!

After the Freelancer Bonus ($115,000) is the Eclipse Phase, Second Edition Player's Guide ($130,000), which is the condensed version of EP2 designed just for players—with character creation and the rules you'll need to run through most common Eclipse Phase encounters!

This update contains information about:

  • International Shipping 
  • A New Stretch Goal
  • The Open Playtest

International Shipping

We are negotiating with multiple companies to handle shipping and lessen both the direct costs and the chances of international backers having to pay customs/import duties. Specifically we are talking to a vendor in Australia to handle shipping to Australia/New Zealand; a vendor in France to handle shipping to all European destinations; and one in Canada to handle the Great White North.

We're not quite at the point where we can announce final revised shipping numbers.

Our next update about shipping information will be on Wednesday, May 10th.

New Stretch Goal:

At $145,000.00, backers will unlock a full-length Ambient Soundtrack for Eclipse Phase, recorded by Scott Fox (iVardensphere)! Scott has been providing us with a piece-by-piece soundtrack to Eclipse Phase over the last couple years, so we're excited about setting him loose with a budget for a full album of ambient music and sounds for your Eclipse Phase games!

All backers at reward levels that offer all electronic stretch goals will be receiving this album at $145,000!

The Open Playtest

We have started the Open Playtest: the files are hosted on DriveThruRPG as a free download. We have created a forum on our website for discussion of the Open Playtest documents. 

Today we are launching with the basic Game Mechanics chapter; we'll be following up next week with Making Characters (including skills, morphs, and traits) after they get one more internal editing pass!

Thank you!

The second week of this campaign has started off very solid, and we appreciate your support. Please share the Kickstarter campaign or the Open Playtest links with anyone who you think would be interested in them!