
Eclipse Phase, Second Edition RPG

Created by Posthuman Studios

Eclipse Phase, Second Edition (EP2), is a full-color, hardcover tabletop RPG book. It contains the full rules for making and playing Eclipse Phase characters, four sample teams of four characters each, and detailed setting information—a complete roleplaying game in one book!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Revised Eclipse Phase Second Edition Release Schedule & More!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 08:56:59 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Infinite & Indivisible Public Release + Reviews
over 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 04, 2017 at 03:48:05 PM

Hello everyone!

Today, a little BackerKit, the Infinite & Indivisible release, and a little fireside chat about Reviews.


Almost 90% of you have filled out your BackerKit surveys now: thank you! The BackerKit process is running smoothly. If you still need to fill out your survey, please do so, especially if you're eligible for the Digital Stretch Goal Package. You can visit to check on your survey status.

Infinite & Indivisible

We're proud to release the Infinite & Indivisible album to the public today. If you're a Kickstarter backer but didn't get the Digital Stretch Goal pack, you can grab Infinite & Indivisible in two different ways:

1. Buy it from DriveThruRPG and download Infinite & Indivisible immediately.

2. Log into your BackerKit account and upgrade to a backer level that contains the Digital Stretch Goal Pack, or add the Digital Stretch Goal pack as an add-on. You'll get a code to download Infinite & Indivisible within 48 hours.


We have a request: if you've had chance to listen to Infinite & Indivisible, please leave a review on DriveThruRPG. A rating is fine, but a few words sharing your feelings for the album are better — tell people about your favorite track, the mood it puts you in, etc!

And if you have a little more time, a review of any other Eclipse Phase book that you particularly like, or maybe you think is underrated would be great. Whether that's on DriveThruRPG, Amazon, BoardGameGeek,, or any other place that publishes reviews: they're still important for small publishers and our games to get attention.

Thank you!

Infinite & Indivisible Distribution
over 7 years ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 10:24:25 PM

Backers -- if you had completed your BackerKit survey as of 2PM Central on September 26th and are eligible for the Digital Stretch Goal Pack, we'll be sending out your coupon codes for Infinite & Indivisible, the Scott Fox ambient album today. There's over a thousand codes to go out (!!!) so sending them all will take a little bit of time so we don't crush DriveThruRPG's servers.

Scott's album kicks ass and his enthusiasm for Eclipse Phase really shines through, we really hope you enjoy it. 

For the 700 or so backers that haven't filled out the BackerKit surveys yet, please check your email address for them and fill them out. Once you've done so, you'll get Infinite & Indivisible if you're eligible for it within 48 hours. (A very small handful of you bounced emails -- we'll be in touch with you via Kickstarter soon to sort that out!)

And please fill out those surveys carefully, including the full domain name. :)

Thanks for your support!

BackerKit • Eclipse Phase Second Edition Quick-Start Rules • Infinite & Indivisible
over 7 years ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 01:58:05 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

August EP2 Update!
over 7 years ago – Thu, Aug 03, 2017 at 01:11:19 AM

Hey everyone!

We hope you're all having a great summer. Ours is, to say the least: busy. Since the EP2 Kickstarter project funded, we've had a lot going on. Two of the three active Posthumans have moved in the last month -- one, Jack, across a city; and the other, Adam, to a different country. Adam also got married at the end of July. Achievement unlocked!

And we're also a month away from Gen Con 50. We hope to see some of you there!

This update is going to cover the following subjects: Release Dates: Quick-Start Rules, Core Rulebook; Gen Con; Playtest Updates; BackerKit; and Artwork!

Release Dates

Development in response to playtest feedback and art direction duties have eaten up more time than expected since the Kickstarter project closed. We have two EP2 books currently in production: the core rulebook Eclipse Phase, Second Edition, and the first Quick-Start Rules release, featuring a new adventure by Marc Huete and Rob Boyle: Acrimony.

Quick-Start Rules

We plan on debuting the EP2 Quick-Start Rules in print at Gen Con 50 (August 17-20), and they'll be available electronically shortly after that.

The EP2 Quick-Start Rules will be available to and from local game stores later in the year.

The QSR and Acrimony is 24 pages long and designed for a group of one GM and four players to play in a couple hours.

Core Rulebook

We are behind schedule on the core rulebook. Art-wise, 90% of the art is finalized. Some chapters of the book have final drafts that are in layout. Other chapters are still in the writing/game design/playtest stages.

With Gen Con on the horizon and associated work/travel for it, we'll be losing roughly 10 days of work time on EP2 in August. We had hoped that "break" would come much closer to final proofing of the rulebook, but that's not the situation now.

We still intend to print and ship Eclipse Phase, Second Edition to backers by the end of 2017.

Gen Con

We're at booth #357, basically the exact same spot we were in the hall last year.

Our Gen Con presence will be strongly based around demoing Eclipse Phase, Second Edition. Most of our scheduled games are already sold out, and we'll be running EP2 demos at the booth throughout the day every single day!

If you're interested in running a few EP2 games at Gen Con for us, please get in touch at [email protected] -- we're looking to fill a GM slots and have some backups!

Playtest Updates

The response to our playtest documents has been spirited, and we're still working on compiling feedback, making changes, and getting additional material ready. Our next playtest update is planned for August, before Gen Con.

As a reminder, you can download the playtest package on DriveThruRPG: and you can provide playtest feedback on our forums:


We were planning on launching BackerKit in early August, but with the core rulebook behind schedule we are going to continue focusing our time on the book. BackerKit is more likely to launch in September, now. Once it launches, you'll be able to lock in your shipping, order extra books, and all that good stuff.


Here's a peek at a couple pieces from EP2:

Resleeving, by Anna Ignatieva
Resleeving, by Anna Ignatieva


Gear, by Radial Studio
Gear, by Radial Studio


Torus Habitat, by Maciej Rebisz
Torus Habitat, by Maciej Rebisz


Seeker Weapons, by Jessada Suthi
Seeker Weapons, by Jessada Suthi

Thank You!

Your support of the EP2 Kickstarter was awesome, and we're hard at work on EP2 and then moving onto the stretch goals and other rewards!